ICO EmpowerSystem®
Flexibility leads
Flexibility leads
Mercedes-Benz, Service Manager Markus Mitterhusen - Sales Directorate South and Sales Manager Winfried Sorg - Truck Munich/Augsburg
✔ Future and innovation management or specific process models such as Design Thinking and LEGO Serious Play (LSP)
✔ Handling of agile control instruments such as Business Agility, Scrum, Kanban, Canvas
✔ stable control instruments such as process work or mission statement work.
✔ Pragmatic decision matrix, when to apply certain stable or agile methods. (stacy matrix)
✔ Swarm and line in alternation - use "alteration switches" between agile and stable methods
✔ People are different and that is positive. AND: "Right Person - Right Place" - pioneers for innovation & flexibility, pilots for routine & consistency
✔ Leadership without arrogance of power: Contributory authority vs. hierarchy - situational leadership, since flexibility leads.
✔ Management models 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 for direction, efficiency, innovation
✔ Responsibility within the network to activate swarm intelligence - Benefit from different perspectives that have not been heard before, both inside the organization and with the customer.
✔ How teams manage themselves: enables independent action and participation within a clear framework (defined "leeway")
✔ How to anchor "Change" culturally: Solution - Testing - Implementation (STI) is similar to the PDCA cycle, but in addition it generates more waves and thus integration.
The world is becoming increasingly complex and ambivalent. New developments, disruptive innovations and unprecedented challenges are part of everyday life. Things are moving at a rapid pace and those companies that do not keep up with it will be facing hard times. Optimizing processes every now and then and leaving innovation to research and development - that was yesterday's strategy and is no longer sufficient given the current volatility. It is vital for organizations to remain stable and agile in order to be able to cope with the digital transformation at high speed. "Agile" and "VUKA" are the demands on employees and managers today.
Schnellstmöglicher Transfer bei minimierten Ausfallzeiten.
Despite all complexity, it is important that organizations always need stability. The future viability of companies depends on the ability to find a balance between stable & agile, between old & new, between hierarchy & self-determination, between optimizing & innovating.
Organizational ambidextry is the ability of an organization to be both efficient and flexible. The ICO EmpowerSystem® creates organizational ambidexia. The focus is on mastering both agile and stable methods and being able to combine them in a situation-specific way. We develop your teams to be ambidextrous and thus enable the employees to manage themselves within a defined framework.
The word empowerment makes you hesitate? Empowerment by ICO represents the sensible distribution of responsibility within defined scopes. Expertise from affected lines, departments, functions, hierarchical levels is gathered into swarm intelligence to be the most innovative & solution-oriented. Appropriately applied networks ensure competitiveness. Nevertheless: Agility must not replace processes and line workflows. Because these ensure efficiency and profitability.
How does an organization become more agile? When is process loyalty right? For which tasks are agile methods useful? Which agile method is suitable for the situation and work topic?
We make sure to work according to the special needs of the participants. Flexibility in implementation is our self-concept.
Every participant receives our method manuals & working tools in haptic and digital form as well as e-learning videos, if applicable.
We use modern & practice-proven, agile & stable methods, which are optimally interconnected & compatible with all industrial sectors.
Attendance seminar, webinar & e-learning reasonably combined implies optimal use of resources with maximum effect. Fast, lean, effective.
Your feedback is our quality assurance. We look forward to a critical reflection with you for our continuous improvement process.