In the intensive, networking team training with individually selectable modules in the Oberstdorf ski jumping stadium, a broadening of horizons in the team succeeds
Agility meets the VUCA world, which is characterised by V-olatility, U-ncertainness, C-omplexity and A-mbivalence. It is no longer only the process that sets trends. Swarm intelligence is shifting to eye-level.
Agile teams, consisting of people with different abilities and skills, face the constantly changing requirements of market, environment and structure.* "Doing the right things" and "doing things right" – balancing things is what is required here.* The crucial thing is the situation.
Where better to train in agility than outdoors? The outdoor framework is the ideal learning partner for real agile challenges. Guaranteed fully VUCA.
✓ Develop decision-making skills and strengthening personal skills and thus improving team performance
✓ Transparency of internal team structures and sensitisation for one's own personal contributions
✓ Strengthen mutual respect in the team
✓ Practise agile work outdoors – agile mix of methods including Scrum, Design Thinking, Kanban, Business Model Canvas
✓ Experience empowerment: increasing problem-solving skills and the power of innovation in teams
✓ Think outside of the box – moderating and bringing about innovations and networking in a targeted manner
✓ Strategic behaviour in a systemic environment
✓ Agile leadership: leadership adapted to the situation
✓ Practise classic leadership styles, whose goals, opportunities and risks can be experienced
✓ Show presence – being confident even under pressure
Team-Training in the ICO Skywalk Arena
...and many more! Contact us for a personal advisory meeting!
We see that the special needs of the participants are taken care of.
Flexibility in implementation is our self-understanding.
Each participant is given our method manuals & work tools in haptic and digital form as well as e-learning videos if necessary.
We use modern & practically proven, agile & stable methods that work together optimally and are compatible with all industries.
Face-to-face seminar, webinar & e-learning put together in a sensible way allows you to use resources in an optimal way and with maximum effect. Fast, lean, effective.
Your feedback is quality assurance for us. We look forward to reflecting on topics with you for continuing our improvement process.